Friday, February 12, 2021

Jamestown Skate Products.

Shop the Blend.

I found this photo and flyer in a recent dig through my archives. I would have been riding this setup in early 2002. The board is a shop deck from Suburban Blend, the skateboard and snowboard shop in Jamestown, New York. I've got Ventures for trucks as always and obviously some Spitfires for wheels.

The contest was on October 7, 2001. The event was at the city's outdoor park. It was ended or at the least abbreviated by a sudden snow squall. I honestly don't remember if they even finished the contest. They might not have. Everything got covered with a bunch of puffy snowflakes. I recall doing an ollie to fakie on the quarter pipe and it was at the point where it was too slick from the snow. That was probably about when they called it off and did a raffle to give out some prizes. I don't really remember much else about the contest. There were a bunch of rippers among the park regulars so shredding went down for sure. There was an indoor park in Erie, Pennsylvania at the time and their crew came over to skate the contest. I believe the older guy who worked at the Erie park busted an ollie over the whole little metal ledge in his run. It was one of those tricks that registers in your mind for whatever reason.

Suburban changed names to Jamestown Skate Products a few years back and they are still going strong today. They have a gnarly bowl, a good shop, and a street course. They are doing stuff to promote skateboarding in the area, including helping with the design of a new free park for the city. JSP is totally worth checking out if you are in the area.

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