Monday, March 29, 2021


Before the Heart-o-grams and Union Jacks, Adio was launched as a super team shoe company in 1998. The brand was headed by Chris Miller and he recruited three of the top pros of the time as riders. Jamie had been on Emerica, Jeremy was on Dukes, and Steve was previously on Airwalk. Each was given a pro model shoe. They subtly launched the company without any words as a way to build intrigue in the print media days. Of course, it was rather easy to figure out who was going to be involved based on the uniqueness of each photo in the first ad. Still, it's not a bad way to get the ball rolling.

Jamie's photo was by Grant Brittain and was used in a Zero ad for the Thrill Of It All video from September 1997. Jeremy's water tower gap picture was taken by Daniel Sturt and ran on the cover of the November 1997 Thrasher. Steve's rooftop crooked grind was photographed by Dave Swift and used for the cover of the April 1997 Transworld. A giant Airwalk sticker was photoshopped off his board for the ad.

Apologies to Bam and Brian for that intro.

Three spots: Slap - March 1998 Volume 7 Number 3

Three guys skateboarding: Slap - April 1998 Volume 7 Number 4

Three guys chilling: Slap - May 1998 Volume 7 Number 5

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