Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Anthony Van Engelen #9.

When I watched Ragdoll's part in Pig's Slaughterhouse video, I noticed that he skated to "Search & Destroy" by The Stooges. That's the same tune Anthony used for his part in Photosynthesis. It struck me as a little odd given the relatively short time gap between the two videos. Although this sort of thing has happened before with Queen and David Bowie's "Under Pressure" being used both by Element and Birdhouse within a one year span.

Speaking of music in skateboard videos, Zach Moore created a phony commercial for a CD compilation of all the classic tracks used in parts over the years. It even comes with a bonus third disc of the worst music in videos and I couldn't agree more with the first selection.

The Skateboard Mag - February 2006 Issue 23

1 comment:

Justin said...

Here's Zach's commercial:

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