Friday, March 12, 2021

Brian Anderson #10.

Checking the footage with PJ Ladd, Rick Howard, and Mike Carroll.

I dig how BA is skating while everybody else is chilling. Brian had a full solo part tacked onto the end of Fourstar's Super Champion Funzone DVD from 2005. I didn't remember the part and was curious about it when Aaron Meza mentioned it on his interview at Heckride. Sure enough the part is included in the bonus section. The part opens with a stray cat running around and then you get Brian busting some big ollies, kickflips, and 360 flips set to the sounds of The White Stripes. Brad Staba even shows up for a couple of tricks.

I like the new Hot Plate DVD by Marshall Nicholson. It's a Florida heavy video filmed between 2015 and 2020. Some of the clips were in Spirit Quest and other projects. You can't go wrong with more Jimmy Lannon footage.

The Skateboard Mag - August 2005 Issue 17

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