Monday, March 1, 2021

Justin Strubing #4.

There's a tour article in Transworld from the early 2000s with an awesome quote about Justin. I think they're on a trip around Europe and wind up skating some weird art installation. The author said everybody else was struggling at the spot, except for Justin, who had no problems blasting ollies on the messed up surface. The writer surmised that since Strubing grew up skating Derby, he was a complete natural at any and all odd transitions. I'll stumble upon the story every once in a while and then forget to mark it. I believe it was in the back when Transworld was super thick so it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I want to say I found the story again when I put together the Alien Workshop feature last fall, but didn't write down where it was. Someday I'll get it right. This is really bugging me for some reason.

I got skateboarding 16 times in February. There were no cheap ones either, like where I just did a couple ollies and powerslides on a slightly wet street and counted it. Given all the snow and cold we had, I'm a little amazed.

The photo is by Joe Brook.

The Skateboard Mag - March 2006 Issue 24

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