Monday, March 22, 2021

Natural Koncept.

Greetings from the islands.

Natural Koncept is a company from Hawaii that was started in the mid 1990s by Sean Starn and some guy named Howie. They built a cult following based on their ads that featured gnarly ripping and trippy psychedelic art by Katch. The space between the N and K in their logo is actually the shapes of the Hawaiian islands. They have been around a while and are actually still going to this day, except they are now based in New York City.

Peter Savage took the photo of Roger, Blair Alley snapped the photo of Dave, and Andrew Hutchison got the photo of Brendan.

Roger Cabudol: Big Brother - February 1999 Number 45

Bobby Rodriguez: Big Brother - July 2002 Number 86

Dave Davis: Big Brother - September 2003 Number 100

Brendan Leung: Big Brother - February 2004 Number 105

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