Friday, May 28, 2021

David Loy.

First family of skateboarding.

David is from Santa Ana, California. His dad used to skateboard and his brother Ethan is pro for Element. He's been on Birdhouse a long time and is still pro for them. Bryce Loy forever.

I did the double shot for the boards. I've been keeping an eye Tony Hawk's graphics because sometimes they don't always come in so hot. His board in this ad sails out into Habitat waters, but is completely fine and not cringeworthy. Birdhouse has used variations on the monsters in the dark graphic before, right? I'm drawing a blank on who else had it. Heath? Ocean? Willy?

The photographs are by Bart Jones.

Kickflip 50-50: The Skateboard Mag - January 2014 Issue 118

Big air: The Skateboard Mag - July 2014 Issue 124


Nonickname said...

Heath for sure. Although his monsters were smiling/laughing. Its on Art of skateboarding if you look around.

Justin said...

That's sort of what I thought I recalled. They've done variations on it, I think. This would have been during The End, right?

Nonickname said...

Think so...not sure on the timeline of him leaving afterwards (Baker then alien?)

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