Monday, September 13, 2021

Wade Burkitt #2.

"From Zero’s Thrill of it All, one of the gnarliest pole jams ever done, Wade Burkitt is an Aussie legend. When I first arrived in Oz, a friend of mine was like, “We’re gonna meet Wade.” He was out of the spotlight and had gone underground. “How are we gonna find him?” I asked. My friend said, “Be at Bondi in the morning. Wade skates alone before anyone gets there.” Sure enough, 7 AM, long hair and long sleeves, he rolls up to the park, longneck in hand - Wade Burkitt. He proceeds to rip the park up and as soon as some other skaters arrive he’s done. I get introduced and from that moment it was me and him for the four years that I lived there. I would tell other Oz skaters that I was out skating with Wade and nobody believed me because they thought he stopped skating. Wade is still out there, skating before you even put Vegemite on your toast in the morning." - Neckface

Neckface tells the tale of skating with everybody's favorite obscure Zero rider. Who knew Neck lived in Australia for four years?

The photos are by David Adair.

For the quote: Thrasher - December 2020 Volume 41 Number 12

Slap - July 1998 Volume 7 Number 7

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