Thursday, November 18, 2021

Caswell Berry #9.

"We’re out skating one day and I asked Cas where he wanted to eat. 'Wienerschnitzel,' he replied without hesitation. So we drove over to Wienerschnitzel and as we walked up to the counter the server was like, 'The usual?' to which Caswell responded, 'You know it, buddy.' I’ve seen Caswell do a lot of gnarly things over the years, but for some reason that seemed like the gnarliest." - Louie Barletta

Cas is the best. I don't think he gets the full appreciation for how talented he is overall. I like fast food so any amusing anecdotes on the topic are always entertaining to me. I sort of wish we had a Wienerschnitzel in New York, but maybe we are better off without one.

Dave Chami photographed the sequence. This trick was in Feed The Need, the Osiris video from 2008.

For Louie's quote: Thrasher - April 2021 Volume 42 Number 4

Thrasher - June 2007 Volume 27 Number 6

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