Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Louie Barletta #7.

“Louie has a reputation with Tiltmode videos of goofing around, but he did take Bag of Suck very seriously, but not in a corny way. It shows in a dedicated kind of way. He treated the part seriously. With how good he is at skating, to see him smash it like that and that he mixed in fun stuff with top-level skating, I was super proud of his video part.” - Jerry Hsu

Louie delivered a charming man's part in Bag of Suck. I don't really care for Rod Stewart, but that song totally works so perfectly. I'll hear it at the grocery store and be completely reminded of Louie's skating. I never realized he lived in Finland for some of the filming. I knew there were plenty of European spots as everybody was crossing the Atlantic for videos. It never occurred to me he skipped out on San Jose for a year.

This enjoi feature came together haphazardly. I had found this ad and the photo of Jason Adams, but didn't know what to do with them. I already had the Jose Rojo ad scanned, too. Once the anniversary article was printed in Thrasher, I decided to roll with it and find the rest of the characters to fill out the story.

For the quote: Thrasher - December 2021 Volume 42 Number 12

Skateboarder - September 2005 Volume 15 Number 1

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