Thursday, November 4, 2021


Sweatpants were a band composed of Brad Staba, Brian Anderson, Chris Hasner, and mysterious Foundation am Greg Gardener. I have no idea if they ever made any music, but their name and/or logo popped up on Crailtap back then from time to time.

Greg Gardner is from Walnut Creek, California. He rode for Foundation and Pig Wheels. He had a checkout in the September 1998 issue of Transworld where he was doing a kickflip grab at Benicia or some park out that way. It was a little difficult to tell the exact location in the photo.

I truly miss the days when you would read about a band and be left wondering what they sounded like because there was no way to hear them. Yes, you can track down dang near anything you'd ever want to hear in the modern world, but I always dug that unknown element. A fun fact that nobody cares about is that I still order music for the most part without taking a preview listen, even though that is so easy to do on Bandcamp.

The interview and photo are by Alex Klein.

Skateboarder - September 2001 Volume 11 Number 1


Nonickname said...

But the joy of being able to track down an album by a local (Toronto) hard-core band from the late 80s who somehow have stuff distributed out of Brazil is fun too.

Justin said...

On Friday, I ordered a Canadian techno record from a label in Oklahoma that was made in an edition of 300, so, yeah, modern music is super cool, too.

smackenzie said...

Your blog got me on an Ethel Meserve kick awhile back after digging through Jesse Fritsch's history on discogs, so thank you for that. I enjoy reading what you have to write in this little corner of the internet. It is much appreciated.

Justin said...

Thanks for the support.

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