Friday, November 5, 2021

Tino Razo #6.

"Tino Razo blazes a stylish frontside tailslide. It's all in the lead hand"

I like how Tino is doing a tailslide and not a crailslide as was the flavor of the day back then. He's wearing Etnies. Tino is one of those underground rippers who rode for Rookie and was featured often on Patrick O'Dell's Epicly Later'd photo website.

Note: This was for the contents page of Skateboarder. I clone stamped out the info. Sorry, dudes. I generally hate when people crop out or remove stuff from photos or ads. I do it sometimes too, but I really try to avoid it.

The photograph is by Mike O'Meally.

Skateboarder - November/December 2001 Volume 11 Number 3

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