Friday, December 3, 2021

Donny Barley #7.

Gnarly Barley floats a frontside ollie on a unique piece of architecture.

This ad teases a video called Mobile Destruction for February 1999. The video would end up being called CKY and we all know how that turned out.

So I suppose we're at a toss up between Mark Suciu and Yuto Horigome for SOTY? I say give the people what they want and award the trophy to Mark. Yuto is young and still defining himself. He can win it next year. Although from what I gather on the internet, people have mixed feelings about the whole SOTY affair. The process does leave a lot to be desired and blatantly staging a campaign to win it feels forced. Also everybody is very good and that complicates the matter immensely. In the olden days, it was usually somewhat obvious who shredded the hardest for a given year.

I sort of can't tell what folks think of Mark. I thought his favorite part selections for Quartersnacks went beyond the clichéd picks that often populate those lists, but the comments were mostly negative so I never bothered to write about it on here. I know he has plenty of fans, too. Since a Deluxe guy won it last year, nobody from any of their board brands is winning it this year. Flip had some back to backs, but that was kind of an anomaly that reflected a different era. I'm saying Corey Glick for SOTY. And it's not just because he skated to Polvo. Although that certainly doesn't hurt his cause any.

The photo is possibly by Jamie Thomas.

Transworld - December 1998 Volume 16 Number 12

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