Friday, December 17, 2021

Edward Sebastian.

Edward Sebastian was a 1990s clothing company distributed by Type A Snowboards. Carl Hyndman, the artist and graphic designer for Plan B Skateboards, was in charge of the brand. Most of their ads were arty lifestyle shots. The team had a few Plan B guys to start with and branched out to include Marc Johnson, Chad Knight, Jake Brown, and Dave Mayhew.

It hit 65˚ F yesterday. I only got to skateboard at lunch for a little bit, but it was really nice in the unseasonable warmth.

The new video from Limosine is a fun ride. It's far from perfect, but Paymaster feels genuine. I liked the parts from Nelly Morville and Max Palmer.

Chad's photo is by Ed Dominick.

Photo collage: Transworld - August 1995 Volume 13 Number 8

Matt Hensley: Transworld - May 1996 Volume 14 Number 5

Chad Knight: Transworld - September 1996 Volume 14 Number 9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! Maybe Edward Sebastian would do well in todays market? I always loved the name, it sounds so high quality, like Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger.

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