Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Satva Leung #5.

Vanilla was a clothing company done by Joyride Snowboards in the mid 1990s. The team consisted of only amateurs. Sean Mullendore also rode for them.

The photo is by Paul "Skin" Philips.

Transworld - March 1996 Volume 14 Number 3


Justin said...

I forgot to look up who else rode for them. Sorry about that. If there are enough ads, I'll do a week of Vanilla in the future.

Justin said...

Reese Forbes, Charlie Coatney, and a couple guys I never heard of also rode for Vanilla. I did a quick browsing of the mags last night and only found an ad with Sean Mullendore. There's probably not going to be a Vanilla week in the future, although I swear they had more ads than that.

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