Friday, January 21, 2022

Breana Geering #2.

Breezy turned pro for Girl and got a Thrasher cover in 2021. Much like her boss Rick Howard, she likes candy. A couple post skateboarding career options she is considering include being a bartender or holding the stop/slow sign for road construction. Her hobbies are bike riding, playing pool, and sewing.

Sound Zone: These were my unofficial top ten releases for 2021. I know it is kind of late, but whatever. It's way better than year end lists in November. I listened to nearly everything Not Not Fun released on heavy rotation. I was super into the Pylon and My Bloody Valentine reissues, although this list is only new releases. I intended to throw in more music stuff, except I was never fully motived and sort of didn't have the time. It goes band/album/label for those with any questions.

1. Acid Twilight - s/t - Not Not Fun

2. Body/Dilloway/Head - s/t - Three Lobed

3. Brett Naucke, Natalie Chami, Whitney Johnson - Mirror Ensemble - American Dreams

4. New Mexican Stargazers - Highway Dreamscape - Not Not Fun

5. Scraps - New World - Moontown

6. Secret Boyfriend - Entropic Report 2017-2018 - Hot Releases

7. Threshing Floor - s/t - El Studio 444//Reboot

8. White Suns - The Lower Way - Decoherence

9. Wilted Woman - Keychain - Unifactor

10. X.Y.R. - Wave Temples - Constellation Tatsu

For the info: Thrasher - October 2021 Volume 42 Number 10

Thrasher - June 2021 Volume 42 Number 6

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