Friday, February 4, 2022

Dakota Servold #5.

Staying green.

I'm a fan of Dakota's skateboarding. I don't really have much else to add. I also have to say that it is great that Leo Romero continues to deliver high quality tricks in every clip. Even after all these years, he skates like he's the new guy on the team with something to prove.

It was mild on Monday and Tuesday so I got to skateboard in the driveway after work both days. The snow has since returned. We've had more of the white stuff than in years past, but it isn't bugging me as much as it normally does. That may change depending on how the rest of the winter shakes out. I haven't minded a bit of a break from skateboarding to be honest. I skated pretty good by my standards to start the week so I'm still riding that buzz for the moment.

Thrasher - July 2021 Volume 42 Number 7


Justin said...

Emerica in the East:

jaybird said...

This tour video is great. Music is perfect prob a spanky pick.

Justin said...

I could see that. Maybe a bit of a Jon Miner influence, too. Aerial M is super good.

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