Monday, February 28, 2022

Lucas Puig, JJ Rousseau & JB Gillet.

The French Connection.

No, it is not the famed Buffalo Sabres trio of Gilbert Perreault, Rick Martin, and René Robert, but the French team riders for Lakai. All three were on Cliché at the time and were in a two song Eurocentric shared part in Fully Flared.

Lucas kicks it off with a frontside Smith grind to kickflip out that lands in a Primo slide. Somehow Lucas rolls away safely from this awkward landing and proceeds to lay down a bunch of top notch high tech street skateboarding. His switch heelflips are ridiculously good. JJ and JB handle a variety of plazas, banks, ledges, street gaps, and hubbas all across Europe. For a shared part, the French Connection expertly showcases three skaters who might not have been well known by many in the US.

I wanted to include the Venture ad to show the cross marketing that was happening with Fully Flared.

It's interesting to note that Lakai basically stopped advertising for well over a year after Fully Flared. They would have an occasional ad, but didn't get back to regular advertisements until later in 2009. I assume they blew the budget making the video and word of mouth was enough to carry the brand. There was also the recession in 2008 so that probably didn't help any.

There's a photo credit for JJ's picture, but the type is too small and light to be readable. I wish I knew what was going on with the ad. It looks rather interesting.

Lucas: Slap - February 2008 Volume 17 Number 2

JJ: The Skateboard Mag - April 2008 Issue 49

JB: Thrasher - May 2008 Volume 28 Number 5

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