Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Cairo Foster #14.

Cairo jumped down a lot of gaps and skated a bunch of oddly shaped handrails to the sounds of The Flaming Lips for his part in Fully Flared. He did some seriously big nollies and took the frontside noseslide to new heights. There's even a nollie hardflip for old time's sake. Cairo was in his prime for this video.

I'm glad I used mostly Lakai ads for this feature since they show a variety of the shoe models they were making. I had a bunch of them. It's interesting to note that nearly all the shoes are cupsoles.

The photo sequence is by Jeff Landi.

Thrasher - September 2006 Volume 26 Number 9

1 comment:

nonickname said...

that shoe reminds me of the globe tilt and/or sabre.

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