Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Andrew Wilson #2.

It's rather unique how Polar has evolved from one of the upstart small board brands to a major mens clothier with the popularity of their Big Boy jeans. The jeans are based on the baggy trousers of the early 1990s. Since I participated in that trend the first time around, I'm fine with skipping it on the second go-round. It also goes to show that if you wait long enough, any style will probably pop up again.

I'm not even fully sure what I think of baggy jeans any more. To an extent baggy pants are perfectly fine, but carried to the extremes, they can look sloppy. It makes me appreciate Spike Jonze saying he wouldn't take pictures of skaters wearing Blind or Fuct jeans in 1992 or 1993. I thought that statement seemed odd back then, but now makes more sense given that Spike and the skaters he shot regularly were a little older and not as likely to follow every fashion whim of skateboarding. It's important to be aware of the current trends and then exercise discretion when it comes to jumping on any bandwagons.

Andrew was on Polar for a bit and then bounced for FA/Hockey. I don't know too much about him in all honesty.

Jared Sherbert snapped the photograph.

Thrasher - January 2019 Volume 40 Number 1

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