Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Clint Peterson, Seth McCallum & Steve Nesser.

Mats vs. Huskers.

Minnesota became a big part of Consolidated's identity at the turn of the century. In addition to a number of riders, they also acquired artist Todd Bratrud from the Land of 10,000 Lakes. The Cube's blue collar work ethic played well all across the Midwest, too.

I actually got to hear some local skate gossip on Sunday. I ran into a guy from Jamestown at the Dunkirk park. The Grindline crew is building a new park in Jamestown, which I knew about already. Anyway, when they aren't on the clock for the city, they are helping build a concrete bowl at Jamestown Skateboard Products along with fixing up assorted street spots in town.

The pictures of Clint and Seth are by Andrew Hutchinson. Nik Freitas took Steve's picture. Thrasher filmer Ewan Bowman is in the photo, too.

Clint: Big Brother - March 2000 Number 58

Seth: Big Brother - February 2001 Number 69

Steve: Big Brother - March 2001 Number 70

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