Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Ernie Torres & Peter Ramondetta.

A couple of Oklahoma Sooners on a land rush in California.

Ernie and Peter are both from Tulsa. It's weird to think that I might have gotten to skate with them at some point. I'm positive I didn't, but they did make the trek to the Skate Station in Fayettville, Arkansas at least once or twice. It was probably after I finished up grad school when they would have been begun venturing to other spots outside of Oklahoma.

Ernie: Thrasher - October 2005 Volume 25 Number 10

Peter: Thrasher - November 2005 Volume 25 Number 11

1 comment:

Nonickname said...

What the heck is that construction for 7.5 and above all about?

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