Thursday, June 2, 2022

Chima Ferguson #3.

Chima takes a switch backside heelflip out to the curb.

The fine print on these ads mentions Control Freak Construction for boards that are wider than 7.5". This seems like an odd thing to come up with. Smaller boards already have a quick response on a lot of tricks. The larger than 7.5" implies that Real was making several boards that were at that size or smaller. I know the tech people dig their skinny boards, but I thought decks were getting a little wider around this time. Real is also known to try out new types of concave and board constructions so in that regard it makes sense from a marketing standpoint.

I thought this run of Real ads looked neat so that's why I scanned them. They went with the same design for a few months and then switched to a variation of the layout.

Thrasher - January 2006 Volume 26 Number 1

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