Friday, June 3, 2022

Dennis Busenitz #8.

You were a serious SOTY contender for a long time. Was that something you ever thought about going for?

No, they wanted me to be that way, but I could never do that. It was orchestrated after Away Days that I should try going for it or whatever. It totally backfired. It just makes me not want to do it. It's also just a hard thing to do. Something's really unappealing to me about gunning for Skater of the Year. I know that's what it takes now. It doesn't happen casually anymore. It seems like from an outsider's perspective, it used to be just people shredding, and then it was just a random award. At the end of the year it was like, You shredded the best. And now it's people trying to shred the best, which is kind of what people should be doing anyway. Would people rip so hard if there was no SOTY award?

Real talk.

For the quote: Thrasher - May 2022 Volume 43 Number 5

Thrasher - December 2005 Volume 25 Number 12

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