Thursday, June 9, 2022

Tony Trujillo #7.

"Everyone else in the Cleveland Triple Crown contest was riding brand new set-ups, bright white wheels, except Tony Trujillo who was riding this piece of shit, widdler's project of a board. No graphics, worn down to the seventh layer, almost rectangular, with old, yellow wheels. Probably looked like your board. He finished second on it. And he had that mohawk. All punk and shit. Hell, I would've given him first. On the top of his board he had spray painted "Charles Bronson." Julien Stranger said it was some band he was friends with. I was curious. When I got home, Steve the Intern handed me this Possessed to Skate compilation from Pessimiser Records. Charles Bronson is the first band on it. I can see why he spray painted them on his board. They're awesome. Just the dumbest punk, fuck-up shit you can find. There's six other bands on this CD that are almost as good. It's a great sampler of skate rock. We've come a long way from the Faction's "Skate and Destroy." - Dave Carnie

It's these odd little bits and pieces of skateboard minutia that I think I like the best from Big Brother.

The contest Dave was writing about was the Cleveland stop of the Vans Triple Crown tour. It was held from June 2-4 in the year 2000. Tony placed second. Tyrone Olson was the winner and Kerry Getz took third.

Is that Andrew Allen in the top ad?

For the quote: Big Brother - November 2000 Number 66

Never heard of it: Thrasher - January 2005 Volume 25 Number 1

Zombie: Thrasher - September 2005 Volume 25 Number 9

1 comment:

Justin said...

For the sake of accuracy, I edited Dave's CD review a smidge. I clarified a couple of items and took out a word or two that isn't gonna fly in 2022. Turn to page 136 of your November 2000 issue of Big Brother if you want the full thing.

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