Monday, July 18, 2022

Todd Jordan & Felix Arguelles.

Breaking news.

Eli Morgan Gesner, Adam Schatz, and Rodney Smith relaunched Shut in 2006 for the 20th anniversary of NYC's OG skateboard company. They went with an old time newspaper style design for all the ads. I do not believe Shut II lasted very long. Or at the least they stopped running ads and scaled back on having a pro team after about seven months.

In other news, I watched the new Grains video from Kevin Delgrosso last night. It's called Act Three and builds on the foundation of filming in out of the way spots across the middle of the USA. Act Three is very well edited and moves along nicely. The skateboarding is solid and relatable. The video has the all important rider credits, too. I'd highly recommend picking up a copy of the DVD or at least watching it on the internet.

I swear I skateboard more and better during the work week than I do on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday are just a drag every way possible.

Todd's photo is by Jonathan Mehring and Felix's photo is by Seu Trinh.

Todd: Thrasher - August 2006 Volume 26 Number 8

Felix: Thrasher - September 2006 Volume 26 Number 9

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