Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Peter Ramondetta #6.

"I was in Fayetteville, Arkansas, on another trip with my friends. We were skating some metal skatepark and it was really hot, more than 100 degrees. The ramps were painted a dark color so they were just absorbing the heat. I got knocked out on this bank ramp and slid down the ramp on my face and forearm. Everyone was kinda freaked out, so I laid there knocked out until the paramedics came. The whole time, the hot metal was just cooking my skin. My face burns weren't permanent, luckily, but I still have a gnarly burn scar on my forearm."

Pete recounts a bad experience he had at the Skate Station. The locals dubbed the street course "The Street Course of Death" due to the condition of some of the metal ramps. They were mostly painted a medium shade of blue so that would get toasty in the heat. During my time in Fayetteville, improvements were made to both the outdoor park and indoor mini ramps, which made for a better experience. Time feels really strange these days. I often find myself looking back on stuff I did in the past and asking if I actually did it or am I imagining it? It's like, "Whoa, I lived in Arkansas for 3 1/2 years and have a MFA in Fine Art. Did I really do that? It seems like an eternity ago."

For the quote: Skateboarder - February 2007 Volume 16 Number 6

Transworld - July 2015 Volume 33 Number 7

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