Friday, October 7, 2022

Jason Adams #21.

This feels important.

The slash grind on the abrupt wall was Jason's last trick in Bag Of Suck, but I'm not sure this photo is from the same session as the video. I think in the picture he's wearing a different t-shirt than in the video. Jason was sporting a shirt for Hep Cat Records in Bag Of Suck and this doesn't look like the same design. The jeans and shoes do look the same. You also have to appreciate how they worked San Jose punk J.J. Rogers into the another ad.

I have secured directions to the new Jamestown skatepark and I intend to check out it this weekend on whichever day has better weather. It was 70˚ F yesterday so I hit up the Dunkirk park after work for a change of pace. I had a good time cruising around.

I've been into noseslides lately.

J.J. Rogers: Thrasher - February 2006 Volume 26 Number 2

Evel Kenivel: Thrasher - December 2006 Volume 26 Number 12

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