Friday, October 28, 2022

Kenny Reed #3.

If there was anybody who should ride for a company called Planet Earth, it had to be renowned globetrotter Kenny Reed.

The new Spitfire part from Leo Baker is a well done display of street tech. The part brings up the important question: have The Replacements been used in a video before? I'm not recalling anyone using them. Maybe the Mats just aren't skateboard music, but they'd often get mentioned in interviews back in the low 1990s for what pros were listening to.

It will be some ghostly wheels for Halloween week on Monday. I'm always trying to think of scary stuff for the haunted season and I legit cannot believe I scanned the next round in with the intent to post immediately before it hit me to save them for the right time.

The picture is by Brian Uyeda.

Thrasher - December 2005 Volume 25 Number 12

1 comment:

Justin said...

Turns out The Replacements have been used sparingly in skateboard videos. Nike used "Takin' A Ride" for the intro to Debacle. Traffic gets some big props for using "Buck Hill" in Third Shift from 2020. Zero used "Bastards of Young" for the credits in Painkiller, but that doesn't count.

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