Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Russ Milligan.

Russ is from Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. He's into golf and cooking. He was riding for Lucky before City was started and was moved over to Think when City ended. Russ has a good grasp on the street tech.

The photo is by Dan Zaslavsky.

For the info: Thrasher - July 2006 Volume 26 Number 6

Thrasher - September 2006 Volume 26 Number 9


Nonickname said...

He was on Studio (Montreal based company) for a while - had a Hudson Bay Company themed deck that was a nice design.

Anonymous said...

I have a City Skateboards promo from 2005. It’s very short but I do remember Mike Maldonado doing an early grab down the Macba 4 in it.

Justin said...

I knew Russ was on Studio. I did find a Village Psychic interview from 2014 with him. I was expecting work to be a bit more hectic this week so I wrote up a bunch of these posts real quick on Sunday night.

Mike and Pete were definitely on the team, they just never had any ads beyond the group photo first one, as far as I could tell. Mike had an Indy ad around this time. Both their names were gone from the ads by 2006.

I think there was a full length City video that is online, but I haven't had the time to check it out.

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