Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Breana Geering #3.

Boo! It's Breezy!

This was probably the first big ad Breana had in a mag. The dates are a little difficult to pin down, but it is from about the same time she was added to the Girl team. I'm not sure what board she is riding. Of note, there is a Red Dragons sticker.

I guess the DGK video drops today. I'm saying John Shanahan's SOTY push starts as well.

I've been to the new Jamestown city skatepark the last four Sundays. I still don't know what I think of the place, other than I wish I lived closer and could get there more often to get the tricks I'd like to do wired.

Jordan Puetz took the photo.

Thrasher - August 2018 Volume 39 Number 8

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