Friday, December 23, 2022

Dan Drehobl #29.

Those were the days.

Dan takes a hurricane up a tight DIY vert wall when he rode for the relaunched Elwood clothing brand. He's wearing Vox shoes and a Lowcard hat in the photo.

The sunsets are getting later so that has meant more time after work for skateboarding when it is dry. I got to roll on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Yesterday was kind of cheap since it started to rain so I wish I skipped it and rode the buzz from Wednesday. That's how it goes sometimes. Tuesday and Wednesday were good and firmly counted. For December, I'll take it.

Happy holidays and stay safe out there in the zany winter weather that is hitting a lot of North America.

Thrasher - October 2009 Volume 29 Number 10


Justin said...

I'm only going to do a Friday post next week. I want to have some type of year end wrap up, but I didn't plan anything out. I have off from work a couple days and I'm worn out so I don't feel like doing a normal week.

Nonickname said...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that to you Justin and once again thanks for all the work you put into this. It really is greatly appreciated. Stay safe on the roads while out and about everyone!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another great year of Vert is Dead. Be well Justin.

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