Friday, December 30, 2022

The Blockheads #3.

The ultimate classic 80s power trio.

Long time readers will know that Blockhead is one of my favorite companies and probably my favorite out of all the 1980s stuff. I liked them back in the day and have come to appreciate them even more now that I'm older. Watch Splendid Eye Torture if you haven't seen it before. Jim, Sam, and Mark were the pros on Blockhead at the end of the 1980s and Dave Bergthold was not afraid to feature all three in a lot of the ads. Wild Things was their wheel line. It's very much worth noting that Sam was skating big handrails in 1989.

Here's a mediocre photo of me doing a backside 50-50 from November. Yes, there is snow in the background and it really was comfortably warm enough to skate in a t-shirt that day. There was weather this year so I didn't get to the 300 mark for skateboarding, which was a tad disappointing, although not a big deal. The occasional extra day off isn't necessarily a bad thing at this age. I decided to take a break from beer that is now up to three months. I might very well have a cold one here or there in the future, but it kind of feels like I'm done with drinking for good. I got to skate twice with my friend Paul for the first time in forever this summer so that was cool. I skated the new park in Jamestown a bunch of times and I'm looking forward to going back once spring hits. It's maybe not everything I would want in a park, but it's something new and unique to try tricks on. There's so much easy access to quality skateboarding these days that it is hard to keep track of everything. It's great to see all the variety and find different things to be stoked on. At the same time, I often get overwhelmed by the content and zone out. The thing I like most about skateboarding is just going skateboarding. You have to keep it basic sometimes and enjoy simply rolling around.

Happy New Year and have a great weekend.

Transworld - December 1989 Volume 7 Number 8


Justin said...

Vert Is Dead will be back on Tuesday, January 3rd with some type of look back at 2022.

jaybird said...

I’ll have to revisit. I used to live in oakland & well as Sam & his bike shop. He’s super rad & I’m bummed he’s not living around here anymore. Also I believe it was an Omar blockhead was a fav of mine. I recall looking for this skate shop on nyc & just had we were leaving out the holland tunnel we found out. I wish I could recall more other than this green Hassan deck that I loved. I’m going to say around 88-89.

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