Thursday, February 16, 2023

Jason Dill #20.

With 2023 marking the twenty year anniversary of Habitat's Mosaic video, I might as well repeat the oft said endorsement of Dill for putting together tricks in lines and showing the skater pushing in his part. You usually get a better sense of a person the more you see them rolling. Plus, the rolling around between the tricks is sometimes the best part of going skateboarding.

This wallride to feeble was in 2009's Mindfield. That's roughly a three year gap between filming and release.

The photographs are by Anthony Acosta and Greg Hunt.

Thrasher - December 2006 Volume 26 Number 12


nonickname said...

3 year gap? how's that going to win you SOTY? where's the focus man! Get Carter on the phone...

Justin said...

Dill, half the time I call you, you don't know what day it is.

I thought this trick might have been in Skate More. It was probably filmed around about that time, give or take a month.

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