Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Yuto Horigome #2.

The second subtle sign that something was amiss was the advertising in Thrasher. Dwindle has had the inside back cover for decades. The last ad they ran was for the Monarch Project in the January 2023 issue. That seemed odd to me because Monarch always ran two pagers and never on the inside back cover. The ad layout was condensed down and didn't look great either. I also never knew until this point that Monarch was handled through Dwindle. The inside back cover has gone to Bronson and Powell Swiss for the last two issues of Thrasher. This is one of the ripple impacts of a major change to a big brand in that magazines and websites will lose advertising revenue and they might have to make cuts, too.

Thrasher - September 2017 Volume 38 Number 9

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