Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Zered Bassett #5.

Vicious Cycle.

Here are a few fun facts about Zered. His dad made up his name because he thought it sounded cool. One of his first sponsors was Sixteen Skateboards. He used to work with his dad and uncle doing heating and air conditioning installation. Zered is also handy with a camera and has had photos he's taken of skateboarding published in Thrasher.

You know it has been a mild winter when you don't mind a little light snow because you really could use a couple days off from skateboarding. We've gotten more snow in three days in March than we did in all of February and most of January.

Giovanni Reda took the action photo and Mike Piscitelli took the portrait.

For the info: Thrasher - September 2003 Volume 23 Number 9

Thrasher - August 2006 Volume 26 Number 8

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