Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Kelly Hart.

You skate your board backwards?

Yeah, dude. I've been doing that my entire life. I don't know what it is; my neighbor told me that that was the way you were supposed to do it. Then, when I was a kid, I would see old school boards with the big tail, and not really any nose, so I just thought of that. It made sense. It feels really comfortable for me like that, the other way just feels freakin' weird. I usually just pop my board off of what you would call the nose. I usually pop every trick off that side, so the other side gets pretty much no action at all. Kids are stoked when I give them my old boards; they pretty much get a brand new board.

Mike Munzenrider gets Kelly to talk about his unique board preference for an interview with the Skateboard Mag. Supposedly Kelly had to drop in on vert as the final step before turning pro. Chany Jeanguenin set some serious house rules at Expedition.

For the quote and info: The Skateboard Mag - February 2009 Issue 59

Slap - March 2008 Volume 17 Number 3

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