Friday, April 28, 2023

Pat Burke.

Pat is from Virginia Beach, Virginia. He was getting boards from Zero and it was decided he was a better fit at $lave. He was also getting shoes from DC. His part in Radio-Television had a youthful exuberance to it that earned him a lot of fans in the younger generation. Some of his favorites circa 2006 included Geoff Rowley, Jon Allie, Jamie Thomas, and Black Sabbath. Pat had a few struggles out in California before moving back to Virginia and getting his life in order. He's still skating and riding for $lave, which is still going as a company as far as I can tell. Pat popped up in the recent Red Bull video about the Richmond scene.

There's a new interview with Dave Carnie over at Jenkem that's worth a read.

The photos are by Jehonathan "J-Hon" Poellnitz.

Ollie: Thrasher - May 2008 Volume 28 Number 5

Tailslide: Thrasher - November 2008 Volume 28 Number 11

1 comment:

Justin said...

Pat's story from 2019:

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