Thursday, August 24, 2023

Paul Grund #4.

This is what I'm riding now. It's the same old 8.125" x 32" Polar shape with my worn down Ventures and some bigger 55 mm regular 99A Spitfire Classics. I had this board a while back so it's a repeat. The paint is a super shiny black and on the first go round, I dropped the board on the step by accident and put a scratch in it so I'm content with a redo. The Photosynthesis sticker seemed to fit the graphic well.


Justin said...

Work has been suddenly hectic and everything I scanned required words that I don't have time to write at the moment.

jaybird said...

My favorite dimensions. Just grabbed gx1000 with this size

Justin said...

I think it's a great size. I fear it may get lost in the shuffle to more popular even sizes. I've been contemplating stepping up to 8.25", but nothing feels really off about 8.125" so I'm sticking with it.

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