Monday, September 18, 2023

David Gravette #3.

"Great content. Incredible video. The 15 year olds experienced meeting a pro skateboarder in a way that every 15 year old has always dreamed of - wasted off Twisted Tea, slamming super hard, and going all out at your awful, empty hometown skatepark." - Zach Harris

In a glorious piece of content in our content driven world, Gravette visits a lump of concrete and ramps passing as a skatepark in Morton, Washington. He proceeds to get drunk and exhaust every possible trick you can do in the lot. Maybe you can hem and haw about the drinking, but the part was the best worst thing ever.

The quote is taken from Zack's Twitter.

The photo is by Joe Hammeke.

Thrasher - October 2011 Volume 31 Number 10

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