Monday, September 11, 2023

Guy Mariano #6.

There is a ghost.

Guy gets tricky with a switch noseblunt. Switch noseblunt tricks are generally cool, but I'm unsure on regular blunts done switch. Due to the nature of the trick, doing a switch blunt feels corny.

I put together a week of Girl in honor of their 30th anniversary. Everybody knows the story of how a bunch of former World Industries riders and employees left to start a new venture that would be become one of the best companies ever. Girl debuted to the skateboard world at the 1993 Back To The City contest in San Francisco held during Labor Day weekend. I'm sure people knew about it before then, but it wasn't reported in the mags until the December issues because of the lag in production time.

Transworld - June 2000 Volume 18 Number 6

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