Thursday, September 7, 2023

Rodrigo Teixeira #3.

Rodrigo pilots a switch backside kickflip over some empty real estate in front of a police station. He was on DGK prior to the brief excursion on Numbers. I'm glad they spelled his name out properly. It ain't that hard to pronounce, although the Tx. functions wonderfully for name recognition.

I don't get the whole 12:45 thing. I guess Numbers was trying to build a type of mysterious brand narrative. It sucks with how modern design is obsessed with building a brand story or creating meaningful content. The process feels very contrived and boring with results that bear this out.

The Skateboard Mag - June 2017 Issue 159


nonickname said...

"It sucks with how modern design is obsessed with building a brand story or creating meaningful content. The process feels very contrived and boring with results that bear this out."

I immediately thought of Sieben and "The Program".

Justin said...

Yeah, The Program. That was maybe a bit of a misstep. I think I still have a shirt. For as much of a fan as I am of Sieben, I had a Roger board a couple years ago and it was the absolute worst board I've ever had. Not to throw them totally under the bus as I know they had some production issues early on that have since been sorted out, but it soured me on his stuff for a bit. Sorry, dude.

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