Thursday, October 26, 2023

Steve Nesser #8.

"The scene here was pretty much vert and ramp, so all the ramp rippers like Darren Navarrette, Dave Leroux, and Seth "Zed" McCallum ripped and got me psyched. But watching vert and mini-ramp sessions were inspiring because, other than videos, I never got to see that. The only video I owned was Hokus Pokus; that shit is still ill. Mostly we would just skate around, and we had our own spot like EMB called The Fed. That was the everyday street spot; there were some rippers, for sure."

Steve breaks down his hometown scene in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

For the quote: Thrasher - November 2007 Volume 27 Number 11

Thrasher - September 2002 Volume 22 Number 9

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