Thursday, November 16, 2023

Colin Kennedy.

Broadcasting First.

Colin is from Glasgow, Scotland. Panic turned him pro and he later shuffled over to Blueprint. He helped push technical street skateboarding in London by figuring out the potential of the ancient architecture that defines the city. Colin had great switch trick mastery during his time as pro. He had some solid ramp skills, too.

Blueprint had maybe an era appropriate graphic design change from a more classical style to an early 2000s emo flavor. It was a mildly peculiar shift.

I took yesterday afternoon off from work to take another trip to the Food Court Skatepark in the McKinley Mall. Nobody was there, probably because it was a sunny 61˚ F (16˚ C) day in November. It was time well spent and I got a better feel for the place. I cruised around doing my dumb little tricks on the ledges and flat bar. There's something really enjoyable about skateboarding in a mall.

Note: This is not the same Colin Kennedy who filmed Skate More, the DVS video.

Thrasher - September 2002 Volume 22 Number 9


Justin said...

For more info on Colin:

I probably got stuff wrong or left important info out on this one.

JCM said...

Photo taken at Bristo Square in the heart of Edinburgh.

Justin said...

Is Colin from Edinburgh? My minimal research had him hailing from Glasgow.

nonickname said...

define "dumb" little ledge tricks. As if you're landing a F/S noseslide, a smith, or a crooked grind than those ain't dumb.

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