Friday, November 17, 2023

Scott Palmer & Vaughan Baker.

Double Decker Bus.

Scott is from Hull, England, likes rugby, and can do really good 360 flips. That's all I got from a quick interview with Scott in Skateboarder. His part in Waiting for the World features a lot of flip tricks on the streets of London and a bunch of midsize handrail stunts.

Vaughan is from Worcester, England. He previously rode for the bizarrely named Unabomber Skateboards and was getting shoes from Converse. Vaughan is into art and graphic design. This 360 flip was in First Broadcast, the Blueprint video from 2001. He jumped down some stairs, put together some solid tech lines, and even hit up some old skateparks for that video.

The Stone Roses came up on iTunes shuffle while I was editing this batch of scans. It must have been a sign to do a week of Blueprint. I really should have done more research to fill out the posts, but I ran out of motivation.

Scott's photograph is by Sam Ashley. I imagine Sam took a bunch of the photos for the ads this week.

Palmer: Thrasher - October 2001 Volume 21 Number 10

Baker: Thrasher - January 2002 Volume 22 Number 1

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