Monday, November 6, 2023

Destroyer Trucks.

Dead set on destruction redux.

Destroyer was a third truck brand by Giant that was launched in the second half of 2000. This was in addition to the Destructo and Monster product lines. I never realized it was a separate brand and thought it was simply the name of a Destructo truck model until Kinetic Skateshop pointed this out to me. The initial team was Donny Barley, Bam Margera, and Mike Vallely. Donny and Mike were previously on Destructo and Bam would have been new to the team having left Toy Machine for Element. The trucks look like a beefed up Destructo, which makes sense. The graphic design is also somewhat similar, which could be why I never noticed Destroyer was its own entity.

Barley: Transworld - December 2000 Volume 18 Number 12

Vallely: Transworld - February 2001 Volume 19 Number 2

Bam: Transworld - April 2001 Volume 19 Number 4


Anonymous said...

Is it wack truck week? If so, how about Phantom trucks or Phenix trucks? I was never swayed to try a new truck company.
--Rikku Markka

Justin said...

It's been wack truck month. I wasn't going to do Destroyer, but it felt like the natural progression after Monster. I've been sucked into the truck black hole and need to get out of it soon.

There were so many small truck brands in the back of those giant Transworlds and advertising starved Big Brothers. It was a freak scene of new trucks in those days.

Unit, Ruckus, Elevate, whatever those trucks were with a curved hanger . . .

I should do one more week of the oddities.

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