Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Erik Ellington #6.

Aluminar Alloy.

You have to appreciate marketing buzzwords.

I think Erik was riding for Destructo prior to shuffling over to Destroyer. He was on Thunder by early 2002.

The Mule once was hassled for claiming shotgun in the van by a former Small Room/Powell Peralta/SMA/Foundation skater. Jamie Thomas had to step in and Erik got to keep his seat.

It's worth noting the contrast in advertisement styles between what ran in Transworld and Thrasher. Giant must have figured Destroyer fit more with Thrasher's vibe because they eased up on running ads in Transworld for the second half of 2001.

Red: Transworld - June 2001 Volume 19 Number 6

Pink: Thrasher - August 2001 Volume 21 Number 8

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