Monday, November 27, 2023

Justin Strubing #8.


Capt. Strubing skids a frontside bluntslide on one of those plastic jersey barriers. I think he's wearing a pair of the second Marc Johnson model for Emerica. This was probably Justin's second ad on Foundation, after joining the team in May of 2000.

It's yet another week of Foundation just for the adventure of it all. I've got some other stuff scanned and ready, but it would have required more research than I felt like doing this week.

The weather was mostly decent over the holiday weekend. We've been generally mild for November, except for the most ridiculous winds the last week or two. It's rather annoying. The snow appears to have started today.

I decided to put new wheels on my board. I went with some 54s I've been sitting on for too long since I didn't feel like stepping up the set of 56s I have. The 54s felt good the first day, but then were kind of off the second day. My ollies were weird. My board is also creeping up to the end and my shoes might be wearing out, too. Depending on how the snow sticks around, these might be moot points. I think I want to end up using 55s once I clear out my stockpile of wheels.

Transworld - October 2000 Volume 18 Number 10

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