Friday, January 19, 2024

Antonio Durao #3.

Return of the judo redux.

Antonio had a productive 2023. He scored the cover of Thrasher with a switch 360 flip to noseblunt slide on one of the famous handrails at Houston's Tranquility Park. That trick and a whole bunch of other bangers were in his opening part for John Wilson's latest video, Johnny's Video. I think he might still ride for Skate Mental, but I'm not sure. Does anybody even skate for them any more?

I don't know what Hardbody is. I guess it's a clothing company that has some boards. Maybe? It's getting difficult to figure out what some of these newer brands or small companies are doing. The cryptic names and vague marketing, while very cool, don't offer much insight into anything.

It looks like the photo is credited to Vic. I have no idea on a last name and the internet wasn't being helpful.

Thrasher - September 2023 Volume 44 Number 9

1 comment:

nonickname said...

Guy's reaction in the back is what makes that sequence.

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