Monday, January 15, 2024

Karim Callender.

"Just inspiring the world, dude."

If SK8TV was still around, Karim would probably be a Style King of the Week. He's from New York City and used to ride for 5Boro. He worked in pizza shop for five years before getting hooked up so he could skateboard full time. Karim rides for Limosine and Nike.

The Limo kept on rolling for 2023. I like their videos and how they have created a real team that skates together. They even dug up an old Fuck Buttons tune to use for music in one of the clips.

For anybody wondering about the snow in my area, we didn't get what Buffalo got. It's cold and windy here, but we got maybe 2" of snow at best. It was sunny and clear all of yesterday. There might be more white stuff headed our way soon. These storms are varied and unpredictable so that makes it difficult to forecast. It's also very possible for one area to have a lot of snow and another area that is 5-10 miles away to have nothing.

The photo is by Ben Colen.

For the quote: Thrasher - February 2024 Volume 45 Number 2

Thrasher - March 2023 Volume 44 Number 3

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